Making waves....
Since 2015 we have carefully collected all gas data available from NCS in
the largest and complete digital State of the Art High Quality database, representing
nearly 1700 wells.
AkerBP, Equinor and third Super Major have licensed our entire database and use it in their near field exploration, seismic interpretation, AI and Machine Learning. We have in addition sold our database to large clients in Australia.
Simply, the use of detailed and high-quality gas log data together with high quality seismic, AI and Machine Learning is the current revolution in near field exploration.
So, if you want to step up and compete on equal terms and succeed in Exploration, do not hesitate to contact us.
A concept study paper was presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers conference in Kuwait in 2019. It involved structural maps and well data to develop a risk review of a set of prospects and leads. Our proprietary hydrocarbon saturation calculation results was also presented. The name of the paper is:
"Utilising Advanced Mud Gas Assessment SATLOG for De-Risking in Business Development" - to be found here:
Make a good deal in 2024
For year end 2024 we have good offers on our database. Get in contact for a good offer.